1. Minimum order (not including freight charges) is $75.00
  2. All orders shipped to a California address are subject to California sales tax.
  3. Returns will be accepted within 30 days of delivery and are subject to a 15% restocking charge, plus damages, if any. To receive credit, contact the factory to obtain a Return Authorization.
  4. The customer/purchaser is responsible for all duties, taxes, and customs fees on international shipments.


Halimeter®   Ships 2-4 weeks after receipt of order (ARO).
    Please contact the factory to confirm delivery information on your order!
Replacement sensor for Halimeter®   Ships 1-2 days ARO
Straws (for breath sampling)   Ships 1-2 days ARO
Recorder (Penwriter) for the Halimeter®   Ships 3-5 days ARO
Chart Paper (for recorder)   Ships 1-2 days ARO
Pens (for recorder)   Ship 1-2 days ARO
Nomad Datalogger   Ships 3-5 days ARO

The above are STANDARD delivery times. However, manufacturing conditions can vary.   Please contact the factory for specific delivery information pertaining to your order.